Tuesday, October 2, 2012

RA 10175: CyberCrimeFLAW

RA 10175: CyberCrime Law

Upon reading the title, and only the title itself, you might ask me questions such as: "What's wrong with this? You should be happy about this!" "Why don't you agree with this?" and etc.

The recent approval of this law has raised not a few, but tens of thousands of reproaches from the internet population. How many you say? Well, it was enough to reach #NoToCyberCrimeLaw at the top trending topics list -- worldwide on twitter.

Yes, the law means well. I just have a problem with what it contains exactly. Yes, it protects us from being bullied virtually (Kidding. This only applies to publicly known people, I mean what do they care if a 16 year old homosexual is being abused over the internet because of his gender preference. He's nobody to them after all. Why would they spend their time and money looking after every harassed teenager over the internet?)..... well, basically that's the only significant thing it covers.

The rest of it just shuts the public up, so much for "Freedom of Speech". Oh, and also it prevents pirates (that means us) from downloading torrents. HAH! Good luck with that! For a better explanation of this try this site:

I'm too frustrated to think of witty words to describe how I loathe this act.
This picture should sum it up for me.

But seriously speaking though, this is another eye opener for the citizens of the Philippines to VOTE WISELY. Yes, it sounds so cliche and I'm sure you've heard of this since you were a little kid. But sad truth is, you won't stop hearing this until people start doing it. Don't let yourself succumb to the peer pressure of voting a certain individual just because your friends are voting him. And certainly do not vote him just because his ad campaign on TV has a "catchy tune" and it let's you have that LSS (Last Song Syndrome).


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